
blue tarp made into makeshift shed
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Rescuers moved to tears when they see what frightened pups do for comfort

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the Updated on the

There is so much cruelty in this world. Thankfully, there are also people like this concerned citizen, who don’t hesitate to help when they can.

Three weeks ago, the Animal Charity of Ohio got a call from a concerned citizen who had found a family of dogs living inside a makeshift shed.

Dog living in dreadful conditions

When rescuers arrived on the scene, they found that the dogs were only protected from the elements with a large tarp. The ground was covered in faeces and urine. The dogs had no fresh food or water.

Thankfully, the owner agreed to relinquish the dogs. The mum and two puppies were quickly taken to the shelter for a check up.

A long way to go

There, it was clear to see that the dogs had received no socialisation. They were so scared that they literally clung on to each other as they waited for their turn.

The rescue team have a long way to go before the dogs are ready for new homes. But by taking it at their pace, and giving them all the TLC they need, the team knows that these dogs have a chance at a happier life.

We wish them all the best! 

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