
blue pitbull looking sad
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Dog heartbroken as the realisation hits: her family aren't coming back for her

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

There are so many dogs in shelters. Whether they’ve been abandoned by their families or found as strays, they’re all looking for the same thing: A forever home.

This video was taken by a net-worker at a shelter in California in 2017. 

A Pitbull mix has just arrived at the shelter and is sitting in her kennel.

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Pitbull desperate in shelter

The poor thing is clearly in distress. She’s cowering in the back of the kennel, her eyebrows frantically moving up and down. You can tell she’s got love in her – her tail is tentatively wagging – but she’s just too scared to approach the worker.

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Her look of innocence and despair is what made this video go viral. Though her past is unknown, the net-worker posted the video on Facebook with the following caption:

“ELECTRA represents the face of sadness and reality in the shelters. Sometimes I would like to understand owners surrendering their animals and I don't like to judge them but when you see how the dogs come to the receiving department with their happy faces and they stand all proud I just can't understand…” 

Adoption saves lives

Since then, Electra has been happily adopted and is living her best life! But this video remains important – it reminds us how many dogs are in shelters, just waiting for someone to take a chance on them and allow them to have a better life. 

Hopefully, Electra’s story will encourage more people to adopt!

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