
Cat behind cat flap
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Woman has a laughing fit when she sees who came through the cat flap

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

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Richelle de Jong shared on her Tik Tok account what looked like an unusual event. Indeed, she had received an uninvited guest and caught him red-handed.

While some cat flaps work by using the animal’s microchip to open, others don’t. The inconvenience with these, is… well, let’s say you could have an unexpected visitor who sees an opportunity to stop by.

TikTok user Richelle De Jong recently discovered this when she unexpectedly witnessed a hilarious event in her own apartment.

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Caught red-handed

De Jong is standing in the kitchen with her own cat when suddenly the cat flap opens and a cute stranger enters the house. It is an orange tabby kitten that looks no less surprised than the rightful occupant of the house.

Fortunately, Richelle De Jong has her cell phone ready and can record this hilarious encounter. Because it gets even better.

The cat leaves as if nothing had happened

Just the completely perplexed facial expression of the uninvited guest would have surely made people laugh. But as if that weren't enough, the kitten runs away in what it probably believes is the most inconspicuous way possible.

The cat leaves very slowly and backwards. The kitten's video and reaction is priceless. The video went viral and was viewed 11 million times.  And many users laughingly comment on the cat's departure.

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