
Aeroplane on runway

Airline staff break bad news to dog owner after finding crate among luggage

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

A dog mum suffered the ultimate heartbreak after her beloved Bully died while locked away in the baggage hold during a recent flight. And now she's demanding justice.

Maria Fernanda Echeverry hated the thought of being away from her fur baby - a handsome and cuddly Bully called Homerito. So whenever Maria travelled abroad for work, Homerito came along for the ride. 

Bad news at the airport

The pair have travelled all over the world together, with Homerito perched on Mum's lap in the aeroplane cabin. Homerito liked the window seat, and he always made the cabin staff smile. 

But Maria got some bad news before a recent flight from Puerto de Asis to Santiago de Cali in Colombia. The airline, EasyFly, wouldn't let the dog into the cabin. And so Homerito had to go in with the luggage.

Maria rushed to collect Homerito as soon as she got off the plane. But the only thing waiting for her was heartbreak. And that's because poor little Homerito didn't survive the journey. Maria claims her dog died from a combination of hypothermia and oxygen deprivation. 

And to make matters worse, the airline didn't seem to care. 

"They didn't explain. They simply handed him over like any other object, avoiding responsibility", said Maria. 

EasyFly responds

EasyFly responded with a statement. It read:

"Caring for animals is a priority for Easyfly. In this case, the documentation required was not presented. As transporters, we do not know the health conditions with which the animals board the aircraft. Owners are responsible for determining whether their animals can travel."

Maria is currently seeking advice from lawyers and plans to pursue legal action. 

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