
YouTube montage of owner and dog reunited
© Stephen Messenger – YouTube

Dog is extremely anxious until he realises who is there, changing everything

By Nick Whittle Author

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A dog and its owner are reunited after eight long months. But this dog's reaction to its owner's return is one of a kind, and it was too cute not to share!

Janna Berger is a soldier, and when her army training recently took her away from home for eight months, her dog Murphy had to make do with other friends.

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Sad separation 

The time apart from her beloved dog was tough for Ms Berger. She thought about Murphy every day and missed him terribly.

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"In the first letter my mom sent me, she told me about how every day since I'd left, Murphy waited outside the door to my room for me to come back,” Berger stated.

But while her relatives expected her turn from exercise, Murphy had no idea that his most favourite friend was about to appear, and his reaction proved that the bond between them during that time was unshakeable.

Happy reunion 

The pair was finally reunited at home and the moment was caught on camera.

It's as if Murphy cannot believe his eyes at first before a double take confirms in his mind that the person standing in front of him is, indeed, his owner. His joy is unmistakable and obvious to all of those present, especially Berger, who quickly wraps Murphy in her arms.

“I had no idea Murphy would react the way he did!” Berger said. “When he didn't recognize me at first, I was so heartbroken. The happiest moment of my life was when he finally figured out it was me.”

Watch the video here:

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