
dog looking through window
© Samantha Ng - YouTube

Dog growls at garden intruder as its owner can't believe her eyes

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Lupe Johnson was going about her everyday chores when she heard her dog barking angrily. She then realised he was staring at something out the window.

When she realised what her dog was barking at, she immediately got her camera out.

A unique encounter

And it's a good thing she did because the resulting film is absolutely hilarious!

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Indeed, it was quite a rare and beautiful scene unfolding in her front garden. A gorgeous red fox had found a dog toy in the grass and started to play with it!

Lupe’s dog was not very happy with this. That’s his favourite toy, after all! 

But despite his threatening growls, the fox doesn’t seem to care much (if at all) that he is being closely observed by the owner of the toy. He just keeps playing happily with it, throwing it into the air and pouncing on it as if it were prey!

Viral video

The amazing video evidently went viral in no time. It has already been viewed over 3 million times, with people all over the world leaving comments:

“Very privileged to see a fox at play in this way…best things in life are free,” writes one user.

“Nature at it’s best!”, comments another.

While seeing a fox in a garden is quite common in Canada, where this video was filmed, it’s not unusual to have fox visitors in England as well. For this reason, it's important to avoid letting your dog roam outside when wild animals are around. This precaution helps keep both your pet and local wildlife safe.

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