Puppies seem to have have boundless energy and curiosity, which can make it hard to concentrate when they're around.
These simple strategies should help keep your puppy busy, leaving you to to focus on the work tasks at hand.
Preparation is key
Preparing the space is an essential first step, helping prevent any unwanted behaviour.
Download Zigzag
First thing's first, have the right tools available to you. Raising a puppy is not as easy as one might think and it's helpful to have expert advice at the click of a button. Zigzag is a puppy training app designed to help new dog owners raise well-behaved and happy puppies. They don't just have training tips, but also advice on every day challenges you might face, including how to keep your puppy busy when you're working.
Set up the space
First, you'll need to prepare the environment, clearing away anything you don't want your pup to get their paws on. Take the time to work out where in the house you'd like your puppy to spend their time, and puppy-proof accordingly.
Create a play area
Setting up a designated play area allows your puppy the space to move around and explore, while staying safe at all times. You can then fill this with blankets, resting spots and games.
Invest in plenty of toys
Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing gadgets can keep your puppy offer great enrichment, leaving you to work in peace. Chew toys are also essential, as they not only distract your puppy, but also help with teething.
Keep things interesting
Puppies don't need to have all their toys accessible at once. Rotating toys regularly will prevent boredom and keep them interested.
Remember the routine
Routine is essential for young puppies, particularly when it comes to eating and toileting. A hungry puppy is a restless puppy, so it's important to feed them little but often.
Regular short breaks are also crucial when it comes to housetraining. Setting reminders can help you stick to the routine.
Quality time is key
Quality time with you will make all the difference to your puppy. Taking just a few minutes every hour to engage with your puppy will help burn off energy and prevent frustration.
Encourage regular naps
Puppies tend to sleep in short bursts throughout the day and night, often waking up for play, meals, and potty breaks.
Following a period of play and attention, try settling your puppy down for a nap. This will help support their rapid growth and development.
Consider a pet sitter
If you feel your dog needs more attention during the day, it may be time to ask a friend or neighbour for help. With careful introductions, this can provide an excellent socialisation opportunity for your puppy.
Training and enrichment
Enrichment activities can help prevent boredom, reduce destructive behaviour, and keep your pup happy throughout the day.
Mental enrichment
In addition to puzzle games and chew toys, there are lots of DIY enrichment activities you can try at home. Snuffle mats, cardboard box puzzles and hide and seek are all great games to try.
Incorporate training sessions into your routine, even for just a few minutes at a time. Basic commands and fun tricks help keep your puppy mentally engaged.