
King Charles
© Richard Juilliart - Shutterstock

King Charles "besotted" with first dog in 20 years, a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Following the death of Queen Camilla's beloved rescue Beth, the Royal Family has been joined by two new puppies- crossbreed Moley and a Lagotto named Snuff.

The Lagotto Romagnolo puppy is said to have been privately gifted to King Charles, shortly after Queen Camilla adopted 8-week-old Moley from Battersea Dog's Home. 

The King hasn't had a dog of his own since Tigga, a Jack Russell Terrier who joined him in 1984. Tigga sadly passed away in 2002, making little Snuff his first dog in over 20 years. 

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Who is Snuff, the Lagotto Romagnolo?

The Lagotto Romagnolo is an Italian breed, originating from the eastern part of the Emilia-Romagna region. 

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The name means "water retriever" in dialect, as these dogs were used primarily as gun dogs for many years. Now they are best known as truffle hunters, particularly in areas of northern Italy. 

Lagotto Romagnolos make loving (but active!) family pets. ©Shutterstock

A member of the sporting group, these dogs are known for their loving, loyal, active personalities. They do best in a rural setting, with lots of space to explore and use their nose. 

Shared interests

Thankfully for little Snuff, it seems he shares a common passion with his new owner. 

King Charles is known to have a particular interest in mushroom foraging, so Snuff will be able to join him on many woodland adventures. 

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