
Quad bike outing in the countryside

Couple embarks on a quad bike adventure, then three intruders block their path

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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On February 4th, Natalea Bowling and Dalton Polly were out on a quad bike ride near their home in Kentucky when they had a very unexpected encounter.

Shortly after they embarked on their quad bike adventure, the couple noticed three little balls of fur were following them. 

Trying to keep up with the bikes, they were clearly in need of urgent help.

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The urgent rescue

They quickly discovered an entire family of puppies living near the railroad tracks. The puppies seemed absolutely delighted to see humans. They were thin and hungry but appeared to be doing well.

The couple assumed that somebody had abandoned the puppies in that location, and they knew there was no way they could leave the puppies there. They decided to load them onto their quad and take them home.

An adorable family

Once the puppies calmed down, they all became a bit fearful. Natalea and Dalton patiently reassured them, gaining their trust before they started the journey home.

Quickly understanding they were in safe hands, the puppies soon settled into their quad bike ride, lying calmly at Natalea's feet. One of the puppies even climbed onto her lap, staying with her for the entire journey. 

The couple is now caring for the litter, who are believed to be about 8 or 9-weeks-old. They hope to find loving homes for them when they're ready to find new families.

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