
Grey and white cat and kitten on street

Elderly gentleman finds a pregnant cat: His kindness ends up saving two lives

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A kind samaritan saved the lives of a desperate mother cat and her tiny baby, after she was found outside pregnant and terrified. 

When grey and white cat Poppy was first spotted on the street, it was clear she needed help. 

Due to give birth any moment, she needed a safe, secure place for her and her baby. 

Thankfully a kind samaritan took her in. But when Poppy's kitten was born, he noticed something wasn't quite right.  

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A kitten with special needs

He contacted Odd Cat Sanctuary, who agreed to take the little family in. 

It turned out that Oliver the kitten had been born with a condition known as "swimmer syndrome", which causes the lateral splaying of the hind legs. 

The association quickly found a foster family for the adorable duo, where Oliver would receive the specialist care and physiotherapy he needed.

Finding their families

At first, Poppy was wary, but with lots of love and patience, she has managed to relax and is now learning all about life in a home.

Oliver has also made great progress, and the team hopes he will make a full recovery.

Mother and son will soon be ready to find their forever homes. "She takes great care of Oliver", explained the rescue on Instagram, " but she's ready to stop being a mum when he's old enough to find his own home".

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