Forecasters from WX Charts predict wintry conditions between December 21 and 23, with snow expected to blanket the north of England and the Midlands.
The RSPCA has warned that temperatures below -6°C can pose severe risks to dogs, including hypothermia and frostbite.
Warning to dog owners
The charity advises owners to equip elderly or unwell dogs with winter coats and avoid walking pets near frozen ponds, where thin ice could break.
Reflective clothing and collar lights are also recommended for safer winter walks, while owners should check their dogs’ paws for compacted snow, which can cause discomfort.
Additionally, antifreeze and rock salt used on icy roads can be toxic if ingested, so washing pets’ paws thoroughly after walks is essential.
Protect your pup this winter
Other seasonal hazards include poisonous gases in covered fish ponds and icy surfaces that can lead to injuries.
The RSPCA stressed the importance of vigilance, urging owners to prioritise their pets’ safety during the harsh weather.
With freezing temperatures on the horizon, animal welfare groups are calling for extra care to protect pets from winter’s dangers.