
Dog drifting in floodwaters

Pets caught in flood tragedy as Poland battles historic floodwaters

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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As devastating floodwaters continue to ravage Poland, not only are people and property at risk, but countless animals are facing life-threatening situations.

In a harrowing incident near Kłodzko, a dog was discovered floating on a kennel, swept away by a powerful flood wave.

The kennel, carried by the current, eventually lodged against a roof with solar panels, where the frightened animal was spotted and rescued.

Tragic situations

While shaken and starving, the dog is now safe and receiving care.

In another tragic case, a dog was found trapped in a flooded cage, a grim reminder of the many pets left behind or forgotten as the floodwaters rose.

Animal protection agencies are sounding the alarm as many pets and farm animals have been abandoned, still locked in their enclosures, unable to escape the rising water.

Glimmer of hope

Outraged internet users have criticised the abandonment, questioning how anyone could leave their animals behind. While some animals may have escaped in panic, the unfortunate reality is that many were left to fend for themselves. 

Thankfully, animal rescue teams have managed to save several of these animals, providing a glimmer of hope amid the ongoing disaster.

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