
Dog at climbing Starbuck delivery window
© dollface_danapace - Tik Tok

Dog's excitement over Starbucks Puppuccino is simply too cute to handle (video)

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

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A week ago, a Tik Tok user shared a video of a very enthusiastic dog at Starbucks. Apparently, someone loves drinking Puppuccinos...

The footage was posted by TikTok user @dollface_danapace. It's the only video she's ever posted, and on its own, it garnered over 5 million views in just three days.

This video was filmed by someone in the driver's seat of a car queuing at a Starbucks drive-thru. We can see a car stopped in front of the delivery window. And then, out of nowhere, a black dog pops out. Yeah, just like that!

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Puppuccino excitement

As you may know, Starbucks employees sometimes offer a "puppuccino" when they spot a customer with a dog. Don't worry, it's not really coffee, it's just a little cup of whipped cream and dogs are absolutely crazy about it. 

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In the video, the dog in question was clearly done waiting for his special Starbucks treat.

At the start of the video, the dog was already more than halfway out of the car window, with its front paws on the Starbucks delivery stand. He's struggling to get out of the car but seems determined to live the rest of his life with the kind Starbucks employee who hands him the Puppuccino.

Impatient for puppuccino

As he continues to grope and tries to gain a foothold, human arms can be seen emerging from the Starbucks window to hug the dog. The employee is barely visible, other than a few blonde hairs, as she wraps her arms around the impatient puppy and helps him enter fully through the window and out of the car. Excited laughs can be heard from almost anywhere, including inside both cars and in the Starbucks.

The impatient dog's name was revealed via a text overlay, which defines the scene as “when the puppuccino calls you” and identifies the dog as BooBoo.

We hope BooBoo enjoyed his Puppuccino!

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