
Little black kitten in the middle of the road
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Rescuer rushes to the middle of a busy road after spotting a fuzzy black object

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Motorists on a busy Long Island road in the US were startled to see a small, moving black object in the middle of the road.

Concerned for its safety, they quickly alerted local authorities and shared the situation on social media.

Their calls for help reached animal rescuer John Debacker.

Challenging rescue

Realising the black ‘object’ was a kitten, Debacker sprang into action.

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“I knew rescuing the kitten would be challenging,” Debacker said. He contacted the state police, who promptly shut down the highway to ensure the kitten’s safety.

Armed with a large net, Debacker carefully navigated through the lanes of traffic to reach the stranded kitten. Just as he was about to secure her, the frightened animal bolted back across the road, prompting Debacker to run after her.

Debacker chased the kitten and managed to trap her safely in the net.

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Happy ending

The kitten was then taken to Last Hope Animal Shelter for evaluation. During the drive, Debacker discovered her gentle nature. “She’s one of the sweetest kittens I’ve ever met,” he said.

Named Wanda, the kitten is now set to be adopted by the original caller who sought help.

Thanks to Debacker’s quick actions, Wanda has a promising future ahead.

Watch Wanda's nail biting rescue:

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