
Ginger cat and tabby kitten
© frankandwee - Instagram

Cat teaches kitten a lesson in 'Lion King' style showdown (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A home security camera captured the humorous moment when a ginger cat named Frank gave a younger kitten named Whelan a lesson in household rules.

Whelan, the naughty kitten, had repeatedly been jumping onto the kitchen counter, a behaviour common among curious cats.

Lion King reenactment 

However, knowing it was against house rules, Frank decided to intervene.

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In a scene reminiscent of The Lion King, Frank grabbed Whelan by the scruff of his neck and held him firmly.

The footage shows Frank carefully carrying the kitten as if contemplating the best way to get him off the counter without causing harm. Realising he was caught, Whelan remained still, seemingly accepting his fate.

Viral stars

The video, shared on Instagram by user @frankandwee quickly went viral, racking up over 5.6 million views, 560,793 likes, and 600 comments. Viewers praised Frank's attempts to manage the situation, with many expressing admiration for the older cat's gentle yet firm approach. One commenter noted, "At least he tried to gently take him down," while another applauded Frank as "an example citizen."

Here's the adorable clip:

Only time will tell if Whelan has learned his lesson. At least Frank is there to keep him on the straight and narrow!

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