
Rasputin, a white cat in the street

Owner issues warning to neighbours, explaining his cat's hilarious habit (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Walking through a London neighbourhood, TikTok user Randy came across an unexpected sight. So he shared a clip, much to the amusement of cat lovers everywhere.

Walking through the London neighbourhood of Brixton at night, TikTok user randy_bigbro came across a cat, sitting in the middle of the street all alone. 

At first glance he could have been mistaken for a stray. But a note pinned to the fence next to him explained exactly what was going on.

"The cat is fine"

"The cat is fine" read the note in big, bold letters. "He's just old and sleepy. His name is Raspoutin and he is 17 years old". 

Raspoutin, it turns out, is a well-loved family pet. He just happens to enjoy sitting in the street watching people pass him by. And at 17-years-old his owner was most certainly not going to try to stop him! 

Neighbourhood watch

"Don't worry about him, feel free to pet him. If he's in the road, prod him onto the pavement", the notice went on to explain. 

"Prod him", commented one amused user on reading the sign. Raspoutin has quite clearly made himself the star of the neighbourhood, and he has lots of friends looking out for him.  

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