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Authorities raid a woman's house: Once inside, they discover a nightmare

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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It was the smell that first alerted police to the property in question. But nothing could have prepared them for what they would find inside...

When the police department of Polk County, Florida, received a series of alarming reports about one house in particular, they knew they had to investigate. 

From the outside, all they could see was some rubbish and scrap metal. It wasn't until they got closer, that the smell of ammonia became almost overwhelming. 

Preparing for what was inside

Equipped with face masks, the team entered the property and spoke with the owner. 

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She told them her name was Catherine Briley, who lived at the property with 16 cats and a dog. Officers soon realised things weren't quite as they first seemed. 

In actual fact, there were 27 cats inside the house, and they were all in very poor condition. 

Shocking discoveries

Taking a look under the bed, the team also discovered a dog who had been visibly neglected. Not only did he have whole patches of fur missing, his nails were so long he could barely walk. 

As if this wasn't shocking enough, the worst was yet to come. 

Five cats were found in the owner's bed, and tragically they were all deceased. 

The animals were immediately removed from the house and taken into rescue so that they could receive the veterinary care they urgently needed. 

Catherine Briley was charged with:

26 counts of animal cruelty 

5 counts of aggravated cruelty to animals 

One count of confining an animal with insufficient food or water 

Harmful harrassment 

Unlawful accumulation of rubbish

"She is no stranger to us as she has been arrested for various crimes in the past. We hope that these animals can be rehabilitated and placed in loving homes", explained police officer Grady Judd. "And we sincerely hope that the suspect will not be allowed to own animals in the future". 

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