
Mouth of a Golden Retriever

Owner shares vet recommendation for bloat: Viewers shocked by what they see

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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The owner of an adorable Golden Retriever puppy has shocked thousands of TikTok viewers, after a video he shared went viral.

TikTok account Atlas Golden usually shares funny, interesting moments with Golden Retriever Atlas. 

On this particular occasion, the post Atlas's owner shared went viral, and not quite for the reasons he expected. 

Maggots or teeth?

The video was intended to shed light on ways to prevent bloat, or Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV). 

But the video didn't quite have the intended effect, with thousands of people left confused by what they saw. 

"I thought that was maggots", wrote one bewildered viewer, while another responded, "literally thought those were his teeth". 

At first glance, it's easy to see how the image could be misleading. Little white objects line the dog's mouth, with no explanation as to what they might be. 

The big reveal 

"Vet says it's good for an upset tum, but that's if it actually makes it past his lips?". explains Atlas's owner. 

Thankfully, it turns out the little white bits in his mouth are not maggots or teeth, they are actually leftover grains of rice that have stuck to the pup's mouth. 

The big reveal had hundreds of thousands of fans breathing a sigh of relief, but his story does show the online chaos that a misinterpretation can cause! 

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