
Tortoiseshell cat found in bush

Woman hears screams from bush, she can't believe what she finds (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

As the founder of a cat rescue, Haley is familiar with rescuing needy felines. However, one recent rescue was unexpectedly close to home.

Haley runs Friends of Bear Cat Rescue (FOB) in Northern California.

Distressing screams

While leaving her home, Haley heard distressing screams from a bush in her front garden. When she went to investigate, to her amazement she discovered a terrified tortoiseshell cat among the leaves.

"Someone must have dumped this loud, terrified cat," Haley wrote on X.

Haley attempted to lure the cat, later named Birdie, out of the bush with treats. Though it was obvious that she was hungry, Birdie jumped away from the food and hid.

Haley suspected the cat had a mouth injury but couldn't get close enough to help.

After days of trying, she finally trapped Birdie and rushed her to a vet.

Road to recovery

The vet team diagnosed Birdie with stomatitis, a painful oral condition that required all of her teeth and roots to be removed. Despite the seriousness of the surgery, it was necessary for Birdie's quality of life.

Following the operation, Birdie began eating and feeling better with strong steroids to reduce inflammation.

"Her mouth hurt so bad she was afraid of food, even with pain meds," Haley wrote. But Birdie's condition improved, and she enjoyed her soft food and lots of belly rubs too.

Over time, she overcame her fear of eating and gained weight.

And there's more good news about Birdie. Two months after her rescue, Birdie found her forever home. "She now lives with her amazing human mum and kitty brother and is already the princess of her new home," said an online post.

Of all the bushes in Northern California, how fortunate it was for Birdie to be left in the one outside Haley’s house!

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