
Cat sitting on back legs with front paws in air

Cat's adorable morning dance routine is melting everyone's hearts (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A little cat called Ivy has become an online sensation thanks to her adorable morning dance.

Stephanie Bezeau, Ivy’s owner, caught Ivy’s cute morning routine on video and shared it on social media.

Morning dance

The clip attracted 5.4 million views in just the first five days, with cat lovers falling head over heels for little Ivy’s unique dance.

Filmed at their home in Ottawa, Ontario, Ivy’s morning ritual involves responding to her nickname, “little Ivy,” with an endearing display of stretching and paw movements. Stephanie greets Ivy daily with huge affection, prompting the adorable feline to engage in her spontaneous dance, revealing their special bond.

Research suggests Ivy’s response to her owner’s voice isn’t uncommon among felines. According to a study published in Animal Cognition, cats can distinguish speech directed at them from general human conversation, particularly when it’s their owners speaking.

You may also like: Cat behaviour explained

All day dancing

Stephanie believes Ivy’s dancing is either a natural inclination or a learned behaviour from her previous family. What started as a morning routine has now become an all-day affair, with Ivy dancing whenever she pleases.

The heartwarming video has sparked a wave of positive reactions online, with users expressing delight at Ivy’s cuteness and unique antics. From her adorable blinks during stretches to her irresistible charm, it’s not hard to see why Ivy has quickly become an internet sensation.

Check out Ivy's adorable dance moves:

Maybe she should audition for the next series of Strictly Come Dancing!

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