
Lounge with cat hidding
© pizzaslayer111 - Reddit

Can you find the cat in under a minute? Not many people can!

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

Can you find the cat in the photo? If the answer is no, don't worry, we'll help you see it in a couple of seconds!

Reddit user @pizzaslayer111 has taken to the social media platform to post what at first appears to be a simple challenge. Find the cat!

Can you see it?

But, you'll soon see that it's not that easy as the cat is well hidden.

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The post has over 21,000 reactions and hundreds of comments, both from people who find the feline quickly, and others who cannot, no matter how hard they look. 

Take a good look at this picture and see if you're one of the few eagle-eyed people who can spot the elusive feline.

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Where's the cat? © Reddit @pizzaslayer111

If you have a cat, you will know that hiding is one of a feline’s favourite activities, especially when you have visitors. For other cats, hiding can actually be the result of poor socialisation. The kitten doesn't have much experience with being around humans, which can carry on into adulthood, causing them to hide whenever anyone unfamiliar comes near. 

In any case, the reasons for a cat to hide can be diverse.

The solution to the riddle

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Ah! There he is! ©Reddit @pizzaslayer111

That’s where the kitten was hiding! It seems like he was keeping an eye on his owner.

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