
Animal rescuer in car park
© Tierheim Altmünster - Facebook

Lorry driver stunned by discovery in car park that shakes his faith in humanity

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A Lorry driver’s horrifying discovery in a quiet car park leaves even the most seasoned animal shelter workers in tears.

Something had caught the lorry driver’s eye near some bushes while he was pulled over in a car park, and he decided to investigate.

To his horror, he had stumbled upon a tragic scene – a cat and her helpless litter that had been callously discarded like rubbish.

Horrifying discovery

The compassionate driver wasted no time and immediately called the Altmünster cat shelter for assistance. The rescue team, racing against time, found three barely alive kittens, but no mother cat in sight.

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The search for the mother cat continued through the night, aided by numerous passersby.

Fortunately, the rescuers caught the mother cat and a fourth kitten the next morning. The condition of the feline family was pitiful; the kittens were clearly in pain, and their eyes were sealed shut. Their trusting nature makes staff think the cat family are abandoned domestic cats, not strays.

Anger and sadness

But while these situations are nothing new to the Altmünster animal shelter team, it left them feeling angry and emotional. They took to Facebook to express their profound sadness and anger at the heartless actions that led to the feline family being left to die in the car park. They knew all too well that the mother cat and her kittens would not have survived if it hadn’t been for the vigilant and quick-thinking lorry driver.

Now, under the care of the animal shelter, the feline family are getting all the care they need and is slowly regaining their strength after their traumatic ordeal.

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