
Deer video shocks home owner
© KHOU 11 - YouTube

Owner can't believe his eyes when Labrador brings home unexpected companion

By Natasha James Content Writer

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Some videos have to be seen to be believed and if this surprising moment hadn’t been caught on security camera then we’d hardly believe it had happened!

A homeowner in Olathe, Kansas, received a notification that the motion sensors outside his home had been activated. Knowing his beloved Labrador was out in the front garden, he didn’t think much of it until he took the time to watch the video!

An astonishing moment

The video shows the gorgeous black Labrador standing in the garden, looking out. Within seconds, a teenage deer appears and leaps high over the dog, running right up to the front door! The deer's strength and litheness are on display as she bounds high into the air and far along the path. It's like something from an animated movie!

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The black lab seems almost as surprised as the viewers. She turns briefly to look at the deer, her tail wagging.

The deer doesn’t hang around for long. After running right up to the door and the security camera, she realises there’s no food to be had and turns and runs straight back out of the garden.

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See it to believe it

The funny dog watches on, confused, before eventually returning to the house to find out what her owner thinks about it all.

There are some things that you’ll only believe if you’ve seen them with your own two eyes, and this video is one of them!

Watch the surprising footage here:

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