
Rescue dog
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Rescuers find terrified chained dog; they remove his collar and tears start flowing

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A terrified dog from a Polish village, chained up and trapped in a world of misery, has finally found hope after a heart-wrenching rescue mission. 

The poor dog had endured a wretched existence, confined to a crumbling kennel and subjected to the torment of a heavy, rusty chain around its neck.

Chain embedded in neck

Rescuers stumbled upon this canine nightmare while scouring a yard. The dog, barely a year old, lived on a short chain that had become brutally embedded in its neck, along with a constricting collar. 

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The sight that greeted the rescuers was simply horrifying.

To compound the dog's misery, swarms of flies buzzed around, attracted by the filth and decay. Beneath the dog's collar, a festering wound housed insect larvae, highlighting the depths of neglect and suffering this dog had endured. Emaciated and plagued by fleas, it was a harrowing spectacle.

When the rescuers confronted the owner, he claimed he only visited the dog at night and hadn't seen the poor pup's state.

New beginnings

Thankfully, the dog is now under the care of a compassionate animal shelter, though the trauma still haunts it. The shelter shared heart-wrenching photos on Facebook, revealing the dog's sad state and the cruel chain carved into its neck.

Across the globe, dog lovers were left in shock by the distressing images, with most condemning the heartless actions of the owner. At the same time, they applauded the rescuers for extending a lifeline to this terrified soul, offering a chance for a brighter future and the possibility of finding a loving home.

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