
Cute golden retriever puppy with inside out ears

Golden Retriever's transformation at dinner time has everyone laughing

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A gorgeous little Golden Retriever left his mum (and the internet) in stitches after barking so hard that his cute ears turned inside out.

Some people say that nothing is perfect. But these are the people who have never spent any time with a Golden Retriever.

Little Bodie is perfection on four legs. And the owners of this Golden love to show off their perfect pooch via his very own TikTok account, goodboybodie. Bodie has over 140K followers, and his videos have been viewed more than 5 million times.

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Bodie's best video

Bodie fans are loving his latest video to go viral. It's definitely his cutest and funniest one yet.

The clip shows the Golden Retriever puppy sitting in front of his owner like a very good boy. Golden Retriever owners will know there's only one reason why one of these pups will sit still for so long. That's right; it's dinner time.

But Bodie isn't as innocent as he looks. Just seconds before the filming started, he was barking like crazy for his dinner. You could say he was trying to bark his head off.

Bodie didn't manage that (thank god), but all that excessive barking did something else instead - it flipped his ears inside out.

Bodie's new look makes him look even more adorable than usual. And his goofy antics left his mum in stitches.

"What happened to your ears? Did you bark so hard you flipped them?" asks mum as she's heard laughing in the background.

Bodie replies with a little woof, like he's saying, "yes, that's what happened. Now can we get on with the feeding me part?"

Sweetest dogs ever

And she wasn't the only one to crack up at Bodie. He sent the internet into hysterics, too. The video was liked almost 50K times, racked up over 200k views within a few days of posting, and was featured in several US newspapers and TV news reports.

All dogs are special, obviously. But there's something a little extra special about the Golden, isn't there?

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