
Tattooed sphynx cat
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Cat found inside Mexican prison: What happened to her leaves everyone shocked

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A cat covered in gang ink and forced to serve time in a Mexican prison is now looking for a new home.

The poor one-year-old Sphynx cat was discovered in a prison where a gang of criminals had mistreated it.

Photos reveal the furless feline's skin covered in tattoos on both sides, including the phrase "Made in Mexico", often used by street gangs.

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Wrongful imprisonment

Local police found the cat in the prison compounds during a drug raid. The cat had been severely mistreated and abused by a cruel criminal gang who were inmates at the prison.

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Prison break

The cat was removed from the prison and promptly taken to a vet. Fortunately, despite the ordeal it had been through, vets gave the cat the all-clear.

The cat, described as very sociable, has now been put up for adoption, and it's hoped that it will find a loving home that will give it the love and care it deserves.

Sphynx cats are known for their affectionate and friendly disposition, and thanks to their loyal companionship, they are often described as more dog-like than cat-like.

We hope it doesn't take too long before the cat finds a new family.

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