
Service dog helping owner
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Loyal service dog breaks kitchen rules so he can save owner's life (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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The incredible moment a clever service dog goes above and beyond to help his owner has gone viral, astonishing everyone with his amazing life-saving skills.

Katie Graham suffers from serious medical problems, including Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), when a person’s heart rate increases rapidly.

Life-saving companion

Katie’s service dog Bailey is trained to sense when her heart rate rises before a fainting episode and alert her so she can get into a safe position. Bailey will then do deep pressure therapy on Katie to lower her heart rate and encourage blood flow to keep her awake. The clever canine will fetch her medications, food, water, blanket, and phone. In fact, he always seems to know what she needs without being asked.

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Bailey is always by Katie’s side, ready whenever she needs him to do everything he’s trained to do. But sometimes, he has been known to do things that weren’t in his training. Katie caught an example of this on video.

Determined dog

Katie was washing up when Bailey detected that her heart rate was rising and that she might faint. He immediately encouraged her to sit down and got her phone from the worktop so she could call for help. He then went back to the kitchen side to get her medicines, but they were too far back on the worktop for him to reach.

He knows he’s not allowed on the kitchen worktops. But the dog was determined to help Katie, so he jumped onto the side and grabbed her medicines. He then brought the medicines to her before going to the fridge, opening it, and getting her a bottle of water to take her medicines with.

Here's the incredible video of Bailey helping his owner:

Proud owner Katie shared the video of Bailey going above and beyond to help her. The video attracted many comments from people impressed with Bailey’s immense love for his owner and determination to help her, whatever it takes.

Well done, Bailey!

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