
Dog and wild wolf playing
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Dog encounters wolf in forest; what wolf does next leaves is astonishing (video)

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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There was a point in time when dogs were completely wild animals. That calm pet lying at your feet by the fireplace was once a ferocious wolf, hunting with its pack.

While many canines have now settled into a ‘lap-dog’ lifestyle, some are still wild at heart. That’s certainly the case with this Malinois Belgian Shepherd! 

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An incredible sighting

While on a walk in the forests of Lithuania with his owner, the dog noticed a wolf! Worried for his dog’s safety, the owner first tried to recall his pet, but to no avail.

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And in fact, there was no need to worry. What happened next was completely astonishing.

Playing like dog and wolf

The wolf and the dog began to play! You would expect a wild wolf to react adversely to a curious dog, yet there was no hint of aggression in the game. They were simply two friends wrestling each other and having the time of their lives!

Of course, let’s not forget that this is an extremely rare occurrence and that wild animals are always unpredictable. Precautions should be taken if you are taking your pet into a wild area, and as a general rule, you should not let your pet approach a wild animal.

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