What can you wash your cat with if you don't have a "special cat" shampoo?



I would like to know if I could wash my cat with something other than cat shampoo. If so, with what? Because my cat is really dirty!

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6 answers

No, the best thing is to wait until you buy a special shampoo for cats (normally you can find it in the pet store department of supermarkets) because their PH is not the same as us humans.

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Humans have their products and animals have theirs.

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A cat is never dirty and never smells bad! He washes himself with his rough, wet tongue. You just have to comb and brush your cat (if he likes it)

I had two Maine Coons, and I never washed them and they would always stay beautiful. Once I washed a Siamese cat because she had rolled in some sort of black grease, I had to use the big means: water + washing-up liquid (very VERY little) + intensive drying with a towel + put her in a warm place. (A wet cat is not pretty hahaha).

Have a nice day.

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I don't totally agree with these answers... Yes it is a story of pH, but did you know that a mild soap or shower gel designed for babies, children and people with allergies, with a neutral pH would have been suitable for your cat despite the fact that they are products for humans. And for the people who responded first, remember that before we used Marseille soap for babies and even Marseille soap with low pH. So this soap could have been suited to the acidity of a cat's skin, if it is an emergency you could have used it. It's a natural soap, so it couldn't have harmed your cat. If you have intimate wipes it could have done the trick as well. Here the truth is restored good day to you all.

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No! Whatever you decide, don't use Marseille soap (or any other soap or shampoo for humans). Marseille soap in particular, already on humans sometimes dries your skin a little, so on animals it is even worse. .. itchiness guaranteed if it is not worse ... and yes it is simply a question of pH, the shampoo for cats is much more alkaline than for humans :) (Hum dry shampoos as well as talc must be avoided). So yeah, need cat shampoo.

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I'm not an expert, but I definitely wouldn't use human shampoo or soap, it would cause dermatitis on your cat's skin, these shampoos and soaps are too aggressive for the cat. It's best to buy some cat shampoo, otherwise, use clear water if it's urgent.

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