A list of the best puppy toys
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What are the best puppy toys in 2025?
Toys are essential for stimulating puppies and encouraging them to explore their surroundings. To learn more about the best puppy toys, check out our buying guide!
From stuffed animals to squeaky toys, ropes to bouncy balls, there are plenty of puppy toys to choose from. Consider your pet's size and taste when deciding on the best one for them. Some dogs love stuffed animals that they can carry with them everywhere, while others prefer the toys that can be thrown and caught.
There are also toys that you can wedge treats into, perfect for taming your puppy in their first few days in your home. Tug toys help strengthen the dog's jaw, while colourful plush toys promote visual acuity. Make sure the toy is sturdy enough to withstand the sharp little teeth.
Is your baby Labrador arriving in a couple of weeks? Start filling their toy box now with balls, stuffed animals and ropes of all kinds. We've put together this comparison to help you choose!
Why should I buy toys for my puppy?
When a young puppy leaves their mother, they may feel a bit lost being all alone. They are getting to know their new owner, exploring a new environment and must get used to new routines.
Toys for 2-month-old puppies will help your dog through this transitional period. They can play with them to forget their stress and concerns. Chewing will relax them and give them a pleasant feeling of comfort.
In addition, puppies are always full of energy and sometimes find it difficult to channel it peacefully. The right toy will allow your baby dog to release the steam. Playing together will also help you two bond!
What should I look for when buying a puppy toy?
Opt for puppy toys that your pet can chew on without tearing them up. They should be made from hard materials that small teeth can't break through.
Above all, make sure your dog can't swallow the toy. Toys for small puppies, such as Chihuahuas, will not be suitable for baby Leonbergs, for example. Similarly, Golden Retriever puppy toys will not be suitable for little Dachshunds as they will not be able to fit them in their mouth.
What are the advantages of buying a puppy toy?
Chewing the toy will train your puppy's jaw muscles. This will help your pet develop their full jaw strength quickest. Chewing also reduces the risk of tartar build-up on the fangs.
If your puppy has their own toys, they’ll be less tempted by the owners' shoes, furniture legs and remote controls. So buying balls and stuffed toys can help prevent a lot of damage in the house!
A squeaky puppy toy will give your pet a great workout. Excited by the noise, they might play longer and release the excess energy, making them calmer at bedtime.
What types of puppy toys are available?
Puppy toys come in a variety of designs, so you'll have plenty of choice when it comes to keeping your dog happy.
- There are toys that can be filled with treats to keep your puppy busy and entertained. This is very efficient in distracting a car sick baby dog.
- You can also choose a pull toy to keep your pet out of trouble. The idea is simple: you pull on one side, they pull on the other!
- There are also comforting stuffed animals, which will accompany your puppy everywhere like a safety blanket.
- Educational games and play time are very important for young puppies, as they stimulate their brain and help them become more aware of their surroundings.
- Throwing toys are a must for Border Collie puppies. Baby dogs love running after a ball, so you'll have a great time with your pet.
- And don't forget puppy chew toys, which help little dogs teeth.
What material should a puppy toy be made from?
Puppy toys come in a variety of materials, and some are more often recommended by experts than others. It also depends on the age of your dog.
If you have a litter of puppies, you can give them plush and foam toys. These are very light and safe for them because they will not be able to rip them with their tiny baby teeth.
On the other hand, avoid foam if your dog becomes destructive as they grow, they could choke on it.
Hard plastic is perfect for puppies who like to chew and release their excess energy playing with their toys, as they won't be able to destroy it. In addition, the solid material helps to strengthen their jaws.
At what age should I give my puppy its first toy?
You can put toys in your puppy pen as soon as they begin to open their eyes, a few days after birth.
Toys of different shapes and colours will help them discover the world around them.
It is essential to work on their socialisation from a very early age. Stuffed animals and small balls will arouse your puppy’s curiosity and encourage them to explore their surroundings. Bright colours can improve their eyesight and different materials such as foam, plastic, rope and plush will teach them not to fear new things.
If you're adopting a two-month-old puppy, toys are important, not only to reassure your new dog when they arrive, but also to help them get used to the new environment.