If variety is your thing, you shouldn’t rule out getting a dog. One of the fabulous things about dogs is the vast number of shapes, sizes, and colours in which they come. Heck, why not get a cat AND a dog. You’ll probably be attracted to a particular breed of dog already – so let’s take a closer look at what makes one cat different to another.
Domestic cat breeds: the killers in your home
Humans first began to domesticate cats in the Neolithic period, thousands of years ago. We invited wildcats into our homes to kill mice and rats. And then they just kind of hung around.
Nobody recommends you start off with a wildcat today. Millennia of evolution and selective breeding have left us with an odd assortment of feline frenemies who are less likely to eat your babies. And even if they all look the same to some people, those mad enough to bring one home will discover that there are important nuances between the different brands.
Let’s look at some of your options!
Domestic cat breed #5: The Bengal

The Bengal is the second most popular pedigree cat in the UK. If it sounds exotic, that’s because of its Asian heritage: the creature is a cross between a Siamese or other domestic breed with an Asian Leopard Cat.
Your Bengal cat will probably have an outgoing personality to match its showy wildcat dots. It will bond closely to one particular member of your home, but still have time to toy with the others. It is possible to keep one as a house cat. But it’s an energetic beast so you need to ensure that it gets plenty of exercise if it isn’t allowed outdoors.
Domestic cat breed #4: The Persian

Do you love fluffy cushions but wish that one would randomly punch you in the face? Then you need a Persian cat. These deluxe moggies are famous for their fluffy-wuffy appearance, and cartoon eyes and legs.
Your Persian will be a mostly gentle creature but it may deliver that longed-for right-hook if you give it more attention that it can handle. And it won’t be much of a climber, which means if you add one to your sofa as a form of interior design you shouldn’t have to worry about it drifting off to another location.
The cost, however, is that you must groom that furry beast every day.
Domestic cat breed #3: The Siamese cat

The Siamese is an athletic, cappuccino-coloured critter originating from Thailand – back when it was known as Siam. Those ancient cats were considered to be sacred, and you could be executed for pinching one from the Royal Court. So make sure you get one from an approved breeder.
Be warned, this moggo is a talkative being and will get fed up if you leave it alone too long. It also appreciates regularity and routine. So don’t get one just before moving house, or even redecorating.
Domestic cat breed #2: The Sphynx

If you like Star Wars, you’re going to love the Sphynx: the kind of moggy you’d expect to find propping up the bar in a Mos Eisley cantina. This wrinkled hairless cat was bred by accident. Prune, the first, appears to have been a genetic anomaly. Just to add to the soap opera, he was bred back with his mother (?!) creating a whole new race of closely gene-pooled baldies.
If you’re allergic to cats, getting a hairless one won’t solve the problem – but it might reduce it a bit. You’ll also need to care for its weird skin, which might be problematic if you’re a dander-phobe.
Domestic cat breed #1: The Burmese

Another moggo of Asian descent, the Burmese’s ancestors were so revered that they would even have their own servants.
Thankfully, the Americans have bred at least some of the aloofness out of them in the intervening years, and the cat you see today will demand no more thankless servitude then any other domestic cat. Ok, so you’re still basically its servant – but you don’t have to wear a uniform.
Anyway, as far as moggies go the Burmese makes an excellent domestic cat since it is a relatively loyal and affectionate cat. It’s a family pet, which, if not as good as a dog, will at least pay attention to your kids from time to time and miss you when you’re not around. So if you have a busy home, the Burmese could be the guy for you.
Are you ready to welcome one of these five domestic cats into your life.