
pyrenees mix puppy with two legs
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Puppy with two legs gets prosthetic limbs that let him live life to the fullest

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Most people wouldn’t give a two-legged dog a chance. But this little guy definitely landed in the right hands.

Around five years ago, Dog Rescuers Inc. was called about a puppy that had been found inside a bag and dumped in the garbage.

Helping a two-legged dog to walk again

Rescuers immediately took the poor pup under their wing, and soon realised why he’d been abandoned. The puppy suffered from a birth defect and was missing his two front legs.

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But the rescuers treated him just like any other dog who came through their door. They named him Cupid, after his heart-shaped nose and the time of year.

They then got in touch with ‘PawsAbility’, a company that makes bespoke wheelchairs for pets. Within just a few weeks, Cupid was fitted with his very first wheels!

Every dog deserves a chance

Since then, Cupid has, of course, been adopted into a loving home. Thanks to his wheels, he can do everything his dog siblings do: Dip his feet in the lake, run through snowy fields, and get the zoomies when he sees his favourite people!

Many would’ve given up on a dog like him - but this story proves there’s hope for a happy life for every dog, as long as they’re given a chance!

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