
old man in hospital bed with small grey dog
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Poorly elderly man's reaction to dog’s visit leaves everyone in awe (video)

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Dogs are the best medicine. No-one can convince us otherwise! And this adorable video of a poorly man reuniting with his dog certainly supports that theory.

In July 2021, an elderly man was hospitalised for pneumonia and was then sent to a rehab centre to recuperate. 

Unfortunately, despite the care he was getting, the man became depressed - sleeping most of the time and refusing to eat.

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A surprise visit

That’s when his daughter-in-law knew she had to do something. And she had a brilliant idea!

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The man owned a little dog named Pepper, and the pair were best friends. She knew a visit from little Pepper would instantly help her father-in-law feel better. So, she asked the care facility whether a visit was possible, and they agreed.

The family captured the heart-warming reunion on video, and you better whip out the tissues before you watch it!

The best medicine

As soon as Pepper comes into view, the old man sits up in his bed and says:

"Pepper! Hi Pepper! Hi baby!" 

The little dog is just as excited to see his owner again at long last - he can be seen wriggling with excitement and kissing the man’s face, while trying to remain gentle. 

From then on, Pepper stayed to sleep in his owner’s bed at the facility every night until he was strong enough to go home.

There’s nothing like a dog to help heal the soul!

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