
black dog sleeping on black bear themed bed
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Owner searches frantically for half an hour for dog only to find him right there

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

Sometimes the right answer is the simplest one…you just have to take the time to search for it! And this owner took 20 minutes, to be exact!

A photo was recently shared on social media and has everyone scratching their heads.

It shows a seemingly ordinary bed, but upon closer inspection, there's a hidden dog that’s causing quite a stir online. Can you spot it?

Transform your pet into a work of art!
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Find the dog hiding in plain sight

The image is captioned:

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"I searched for my dog for 20 minutes."

At first glance, all you see is a bed covered with a bear-themed bedspread. But look carefully, can you spot the dog?

Take a good, long look at the bedspread. Are you sure you don’t see anything unusual? The bedspread features a large, black bear silhouette, and that's exactly where the dog is blending in.

If you haven’t found him yet, here he is:

black dog sleeping on bear bed spread
Now that's a genius hiding spot! ©Life With Dogs - Shutterstock

Found him!

That’s right! The black dog wasn’t missing or even hiding; he was just taking a nap! Thanks to the clever design of the bear-themed bedspread, he blends in so well with the black bear silhouette that he’s practically invisible at first sight. We wonder if his name is Bear.

This optical illusion has captured the attention of many, proving just how easy it is for a dog to disappear in plain sight when it’s in the right place. It also highlights how creative pets can be when it comes to picking out their favourite sleeping spots!

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