
brown dog sitting at beach and looking back
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Dogs beach ritual melts everyone's hearts

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Sometimes, life can get to be a little too much and it’s important to know how to take a step back and relax a little. This dog knows just how!

Mazatlán, Mexico, has arguably the most incredible sunsets in the world. And one guy in particular knows this all too well.

Dog watches the sunset

Three weeks ago, as photographer Chema Robles was hanging out at the beach, she noticed an adorable brown dog enjoying the view more than anyone else.

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Indeed, the dog sat at the edge of the boardwalk, staring out onto the beach and at the horizon where the golden sun was setting. The dog seemed to be lost in his own world, sighing at the beauty of it all.

Photos of sunset dog go viral

Chema was so moved by this sight that she took a few candid photos of the adorable pooch. 

And now, the photos are going viral around the world, with people saying that we could learn a thing or two from that little brown dog. Sometimes, we should take the time to sit back and enjoy the view, too. And if you’re having a bad day – these beautiful photos are exactly what you need!

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