
Two pilots in a plane
© clickaviation - Tik Tok

Dog mysteriously levitate behind men, but they don't even notice

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Watch the video to see what happened with this peculiar dog flying on a plane.

If you have a pet, you’ll surely agree that taking them with you wherever you go is a true privilege. 

Whether it’s to the park, shopping, or out for a meal, having the company of your dog is something many of us enjoy in our daily lives.

Transform your pet into a work of art!
Give it a try!

A dog on a plane: yes or no?

But today, we ask a different question: How far would you take your canine? What places are inappropriate for a dog? Read on to discover the unusual location where this little dog appeared.

Related video:

In a video posted by @clickaviation on TikTok, two men are seen aboard an airplane in the cockpit.

Suddenly, and without warning, something starts floating behind them. It’s a brown dog, slowly levitating as if gravity didn’t apply.

Unaware of what's behind

The puppy bumps its head on the aircraft's roof, yet the two men seem completely unaware of its presence. Gradually, the dog begins to rotate on its own axis and moves towards one of the pilots, unintentionally knocking off his hearing aids.

Could it be that the puppy was invited to fly with them? Or was it a stowaway on the flight? Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that the video is quite amusing, and you won’t be able to stop smiling as you watch the pooch floating through the air.

Check out the video below:

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