
Cat behind cat flap
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Stranger comes through cat flap, realises mistake and then does something hilarious

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

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Richelle de Jong shared the hilarious moment when she caught a stranger "red-pawed" entering her house and everyone is in stitches.

What appeared to be an unusual event was an unexpected and entertaining encounter with an uninvited guest.

While some cat flaps use a pet's microchip to open, others are simpler, sometimes allowing anyone to come through. The downside? Well, you might just find an unexpected visitor strolling in. De Jong discovered this the hard way when she witnessed an amusing incident unfold in her own apartment.

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Caught red-pawed

De Jong was standing in her kitchen with her cat when, out of nowhere, the cat flap swung open. To her surprise, a cute ginger tabby kitten walked in, clearly just as shocked as she was.

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Luckily, Richelle had her phone ready and captured the hilarious moment. But the best part was yet to come.

The cat leaves as if nothing had happened

At first, the kitten's completely confused expression would have been enough to make anyone laugh. But just when it seemed like the moment couldn't get any better, the kitten made its exit in the most ridiculous way possible.

The little cat backed out of the house slowly, as if trying to make the world's most discreet exit. The kitten’s awkward departure was priceless, and the video quickly went viral, racking up over 11 million views. Many viewers commented with laughter, sharing their amusement over the kitten's attempt to sneak away unnoticed.

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