Ron Williams is an 84 year-old man living alone with his kitten, Fluffy, who he adopted from a friend.
One day, the pensioner slipped while coming out of the shower, and took a hard fall. In pain, he was unable to move or lift himself back up.
A desperate situation
As Fluffy stayed close, trying to comfort Ron as best as he could, the phone rang. But since it was sitting on a counter in the living room, Ron was unable to pick it up and ask for help.
After waiting for an incredible 16 hours, Ron was slowly losing hope and starting to believe that his life might just end here. And suddenly he remembered: He wasn’t alone.
Kitten saves pensioner owner
Before his accident, Fluffy had associated the words “ring-a-ding” with the mobile phone as Ron always repeated the phrase when it rang. So Ron decided to take a leap of faith, and said:
Five minutes later, Ron felt something in his hand. It was his mobile phone! Fluffy had understood his owner’s request, gone to the living room, knocked the phone off the counter, and brought it to his owner’s side. At midnight, Ron was finally able to call for help.
Of the experience, Ron says that he owes Fluffy his life. For him, the little kitten is a hero and always will be. We’re not crying, you are.