
Wallet on the floor

Three young boys found wallet on the floor and decide to help a rescue center

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Kids find lost wallet and come up with a genius plan for the reward money

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

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Jackpot! You found a wallet on the floor, what do you do? This is exactly the question three young boys from Hessen (Germany) asked themselves. Their decision was simply heroic!

Like many young boys their age, Moritz (9), Elias (9) and Alexander (10) wish to have their pockets full of money. So, when they came across a lost wallet, how do you think these boys reacted?

It’s a sunny afternoon and Moritz, Elias and Alexander are playing outside when found a wallet lying on the floor. 

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A good and reasonable action changed into a donation

The three boys quickly decided the wallet had to be returned to its owner. The first step is the local police station.

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The police managed to find the owner of the wallet and got in contact with him. He was relieved but mostly surprised that someone had the honesty to return his wallet. To thank the three boys, the man gave them 10€ (£8).

However, the three boys decided this money wouldn't benefit their money box but serve a good cause! The boys convinced their parents to donate the money to an animal shelter in the district of Hersfeld Rotenburg. Moved by the boys' commitment, the parents added a food donation.

"The animals need that!"

Donation welcomed

It is not only employees who were moved by this beautiful and generous gesture but also all the dogs in this rescue centre. Well, yeah, thanks to these three boys, all the residents of the shelter will get extra dog biscuits, yay!

We think these boys are true heroes!

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