
two mixed breed puppies cuddling on back seat of car
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Couple back at shelter hour after adopting puppy; staff are thrilled to learn why

By Natasha James Content Writer

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A French couple were excited to collect their new rescue puppy but on the long drive home from the shelter they realised that one dog might not be enough...

Ringo and Ramzo didn’t have the best start in life. The two pups were found dumped in a rubbish bin along with their six brothers and sisters.

Sadly, only six pups survived the litter of eight, and while the other pups were all adopted immediately, Ringo and Razmo took a little longer to go home.

The search for a dog

Cue couple Mélody and Pierre, who were looking for a companion for their dog Pixel, whom they’d adopted from the same shelter two years earlier. The couple saw little Ringo on the shelter’s website and fell in love. They decided he was the dog for them and excitedly went to pick him up.

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But when they arrived, they saw little Razmo and learned that, due to an inoperable congenital cataract, no one wanted to adopt him.

A sad drive home...

Sadly, they waved Razmo goodbye and headed home with little Ringo. But, after an hour of pondering the issue, the couple called the shelter and asked if they could give Razmo a home, too.

When shelter staff first picked up the phone, they expected the couple to say they had changed their minds, which is sadly too often the case. But when they heard that the couple actually wanted to adopt Ringo's brother too, they couldn’t believe their ears.

Now, the two brothers are having a ball with their new family and big brother Pixel has taken them both under their wing.

We wish this little family all the very best!

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