
Ginger cat holding its tail

Ginger cat catches his tail and doesn't know what to do next (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Louie, the ginger cat, has become a viral sensation after his recent attempt to catch his own tail.

Known for his playful antics, Louie often engages in an ongoing battle with his tail, which seems to have a life of its own.

However, during a recent video shared by his owner, Haley Gilson, the situation reached a new level of hilarity.

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Feline victorious!

After chasing his tail for a while, Louie finally managed to pin it to the floor, victorious.

But then, things took a turn. Louie appeared utterly perplexed, unsure of what to do now that he had successfully captured his elusive appendage.

His confusion was evident, with the cat simply sitting still as though pondering his next move.

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"Always the orange ones"

The video, which was posted online, has been amusing viewers worldwide. "It’s always the orange ones," Gilson quipped in a follow-up post, showing that Louie’s orange coat might be just as tricky as his tail.

Louie's tail-catching adventure has left many asking: Does he know who the true boss is yet, or is the tail still in charge? One thing's for sure: his moments of confusion have brought plenty of smiles.

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