
Dog in traffic

Dog goes to desperate measures to beg drivers for help on busy road

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A driver in Miami was stunned when they spotted something unusual darting across the road ahead: a dog desperately seeking attention from passing cars.

As they slowed, the driver realised the dog was not just wandering but actively trying to flag down vehicles for help.

Desperately seeking help

The dog, later named Olivia, moved from car to car, hoping someone would stop. But every vehicle drove by, leaving her alone in the middle of the road. No one knows how long she had been there, navigating the dangerous traffic in search of assistance.

Finally, the driver pulled over and took Olivia to Miami-Dade Animal Services. Soon after, a Humans and Animals United rescuer arrived and decided to foster Olivia. Olivia quickly adapted to her new temporary home, showing a remarkable ability to communicate with humans.

Hope for Olivia

Whether watching TV on the couch or playing with her foster siblings, Olivia knows how to get what she wants, charming everyone she meets.

Still searching for her forever home, the shelter shared Olivia's story on social media, highlighting her journey from being ignored on the streets to receiving the love and care she deserves. The post celebrated Olivia's resilience and the community's role in giving her a second chance at life.

Good luck, Olivia; we hope you find your forever home soon.

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