
voice of animal nepal staff members taking care of stray dogs
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Voice of Animal Nepal: A beacon of hope for stray animals

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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In the heart of Kathmandu, Nepal, a small but passionate organization is making a significant impact on the lives of stray animals.

Founded in 2015, Voice of Animal Nepal is a national-level non-governmental organisation (NGO) dedicated to animal welfare. Despite its modest size, the organisation is deeply committed to improving the lives of stray animals, particularly street dogs, through a variety of essential programs. These efforts include medical treatment, rabies vaccination, spay and neuter programs, animal rights advocacy, and disaster relief for animals in distress.

Addressing the stray animal crisis in Nepal

The situation of stray animals in Nepal, especially in urban areas like Kathmandu and Pokhara, is dire. The stray dog population in these cities is alarmingly high, with tens of thousands of dogs roaming the streets. These animals often suffer from malnutrition, skin diseases, injuries, and life-threatening conditions such as rabies, which poses a significant public health risk. The challenges are compounded by the lack of resources, insufficient infrastructure, and cultural attitudes that often view these animals with indifference.

Voice of Animal Nepal has taken on the monumental task of addressing these issues. The organisation provides medical treatment to injured and sick street animals, administers anti-rabies vaccinations, and conducts awareness programs on animal rights and protection. Additionally, they run dog population management programs, which involve spaying and neutering to control the stray dog population. These efforts are crucial in reducing the number of animals suffering on the streets and in preventing the spread of diseases like rabies.

The importance of visibility and support

Despite their impactful work, Voice of Animal Nepal faces significant challenges, primarily due to limited resources and funding. As a small charity, they rely heavily on donations to continue their life-saving work. 

There are numerous ways the public can help Voice of Animal Nepal, ranging from financial contributions to volunteering time and skills. Every bit of support, whether through monetary donations, in-kind contributions, or spreading awareness, can make a significant difference in the lives of these vulnerable animals.

A new chapter: veterinary clinic and shelter in Lamatar

Recognising the need for a permanent facility to treat sick and injured animals, Voice of Animal Nepal recently constructed a veterinary clinic and temporary shelter in the Lamatar area of Mahalaxmi Municipality, Lalitpur district. This milestone was made possible through the generous support of donors.

On March 27, 2024, the organisation proudly inaugurated this new facility, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their efforts to rescue and rehabilitate stray animals. The clinic will allow them to provide veterinary care for severe cases that require more than just roadside treatment. It will also serve as a center for spaying and neutering community dogs, thus contributing to more effective dog population management.

The clinic's establishment is a critical development, as the organisation now receives numerous calls daily from the community seeking help for injured, sick, and wounded animals. With the clinic in operation, Voice of Animal Nepal is better equipped to handle cases such as ear infections, arthritis, allergies, skin diseases, cancer (CTVT), and other severe health issues.

The urgent need for financial support and collaboration

Voice of Animal Nepal is at a critical juncture. The organisation is facing financial difficulties that threaten the continuation of its vital work. Without government funding, they rely solely on donations to provide rescue, feeding, veterinary care, and management of stray animals. The new clinic and shelter are essential resources, but they require ongoing financial support to operate effectively.

The charity is seeking grants and collaborations to expand its programs, including large-scale anti-rabies vaccination drives and comprehensive animal birth control initiatives. With an overwhelming number of daily rescue calls, the need for financial support is more urgent than ever.

You can follow Voice of Animal Nepal on Facebook. If you'd like to help, please visit their website.

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