
Rescuers winching hiker
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Dog plummets 3,000 metres, leaving climbers in shock (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A hike on Punta Venezia turned into a dramatic rescue mission after a dog tragically fell 3,000 meters.

The six mountaineers who had been on the hike with the dog were left paralysed in shock.

Rescue mission

Once the alarm was raised, the Piedmont Alpine and Speleological Rescue Service quickly rescued the group stranded in dangerous conditions.

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The mountaineers, all local to the area, were undertaking an ice climb on the northwest couloir of Punta Venezia at 3,000 meters. Despite facing typical high-altitude challenges like deteriorating weather, ice, and fatigue, the climb progressed as planned until the tragic incident.

In a heart-wrenching moment, a young woman in the group watched in horror as her dog plummeted down the mountain. She was overwhelmed with panic and could not continue, and the entire group was thrown into disarray. The steep, 45-degree incline of the mountain exacerbated the crisis.

Tragic ending

Rescuers employed a winch to recover the climbers from the treacherous slope, ensuring their safe return to the valley. However, the group's ordeal was far from over.

One member, driven by hope and deep affection for the lost pet, attempted to locate the dog but was unsuccessful. Tragically, the dog did not survive the fall.

The incident, which was shared widely on social media, sparked a wave of criticism towards the owners for bringing the dog on such a dangerous climb.

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