
Beagle puppy
© The Humane Society of the United States / YouTube

Justice for mistreated Beagles: Record fine issued to breeding facility

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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The biggest fine in the history of animal protection has been issued to a breeding facility in Virginia, after 4,000 dogs and puppies were rescued.

In 2022, 4,000 dogs and puppies were rescued from severe neglect at a facility in Virginia, United States. 

Now, two years later, a record fine has been issued to Envigo RMS LLC for cruelty to animals.

4,000 Beagles

In actual fact, the rescue mission began three years before the dogs were removed, with organisations working tirelessly from 2019 to prove the neglect the dogs were subjected to. 

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Inspectors discovered that animals were being killed instead of treated for curable conditions, and that nursing mothers were denied food. The food they were given often contained mould and worms. 

In a period of 8 weeks, 25 Beagle puppies died from exposure to the cold, and other dogs were attacked due to overcrowding. 

The biggest fine in history 

The Justice Department of the United States announced that Inotiv - the parent company to Envigo RMS, will have to pay 35 million dollars, including a fine of 11 million dollars for violations of the Animal Welfare Act. 

It was thanks the Humane Society Legislative Fund that first discovered and reported the facility, later bringing the Beagles to safety.

Now, the 4,000 rescue Beagles have a chance at real happiness, with loving families of their very own. 

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