
Ginger cat looks jealous at owner
© Maria Bolivar - X

Cat sees owner cuddling new kitten, his reaction melts everyone's hearts (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A video showing a cat's surprising reaction to its owner cuddling a new kitten is captivating cat lovers on social media. 

If you've ever wondered whether cats get jealous, you need to watch this clip.

Green-eyed kitty

The clip shows someone sitting on the sofa with a little kitten playing on their lap, all while under the intense scrutiny of the resident feline.

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It's fair to say that from the cat's expression, they aren't happy with the new feline. The older cat's unmistakable signs of jealousy have tugged at the heartstrings of viewers who claim to relate to what the cat is going through. 

After all, who hasn't felt a little green with envy when someone new comes on the scene and monopolises the attention of our favourite people?

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Future feline friends?

The video, viewed over 8,460 times, attracted an array of comments from cat lovers.

Many sympathised with the older resident cat and criticised the owner for focusing their attention on the new cat while ignoring their resident feline friend. However, others said it was all part of acclimatising a new pet into the household and that the older cat would soon get over it.

What do you think?

While the resident cat may not be feeling too thrilled to share their home and humans with this new younger feline, we hope that it doesn't take them long to enjoy having the companionship of a new feline friend and learn to live in harmony together. 

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