
Xray of mass inside cat's stomach
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Vet is stunned by what he sees on cat's X-ray: 'How could he swallow that?'

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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When a concerned cat owner takes his feline friend to the vet, his worries immediately turn to embarrassment when he's shown his cat's X-ray.

Most experienced vets will tell you that they've seen it all during their careers, from the bizarre to the outrageous. But now and again, there'll be one pet patient who will leave them speechless.

When this cat's owner brought him to the vet, the poor eight-week-old feline was in a sorry state.

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Constipated cat

 He had been severely constipated for five days and was very uncomfortable. During the examination, the cat became quite aggressive with the vet, especially as the vet felt his abdomen, which was as hard as a rock.

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The vet decided that the best way to find out the cause of the problem was to X-ray the cat's stomach. The vet performed the X-ray as normal, but it wasn't until they saw the X-ray that they realised this was no ordinary situation. 

Shocking X-ray results

The X-ray revealed a strange shape within the cat's stomach. On close inspection, the vet realized that it was full of compressed and rock-hard faeces.

But what was truly shocking was that this wasn't due to constipation. It seems that the kitten had eaten its own faeces and some of the litter granules from its litter tray. It had all caked together in the cat's stomach. 

We hope the cat has gone on to make a full recovery.

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