To choose the best litter tray with high sides, you need to consider the size and needs of your cat.
© By Sharaf Maksumov - Shutterstock
Top 4 best cat litter trays with high sides
A cat litter tray is one of the first accessories that future cat owners buy. If your pet lives in a flat, it is indeed essential for their comfort, as well as for the comfort of the other inhabitants.
There are many models of cat litter trays, including self-cleaning models, closed litter boxes and trays with raised edges. There even are completely biodegradable litter trays!
To make the best choice, you need to consider your budget and the size and needs of your cat. If you have a small cat, the toilet will not take up the same amount of space as a Maine Coon litter box, for example. If your cat is elderly and suffers from joint pain, make sure it can easily step over the entrance to the litter box. Are you sensitive to odours? Choose a hooded cat litter tray.
Are you looking to adopt a new cat? Arrange their toilet space by choosing a practical and hygienic litter tray. They will soon understand that this is where they need to relieve themselves!
Where can I buy a litter tray for my cat?
Visit your local pet store or a speciality store to purchase a litter box for your cat.
You can also look at the models available online and use comparators to select the most suitable litter trays for your needs. To do this, simply check the criteria that are most important to you, such as the size of the box, its maximum price, its manufacturing material or its colour. All the models offered on various sites and corresponding to your search will appear on the screen in just a few seconds. All you have to do is make your choice.
Be sure to look at customer reviews before you buy a litter tray. This way, you can read the feedback from people who already use the model you are interested in. Don't hesitate to ask the manufacturer for details.
What are the different cat litter trays?
There are disposable litter trays that are very environmentally friendly and can be composted once they are soiled.
If you prefer a washable litter box, you can choose one with a grid or filter. A few sideways tilting movements are enough to separate the excrement from the clean litter.
There are also self-cleaning cat litter boxes, which "flush" after the cat has done its business.
Closed litter boxes offer privacy to the cat and hide the litter box. If you place the box in the living room, for example, that is a significant advantage. This type of box also helps to avoid odours.
How do I choose a litter tray for my cat?
To choose the ideal litter box for your cat, take into account your pet's size. Some boxes are more suitable for kittens, while others are for larger breeds of cats!
Additionally, look at the shape of the tray. There are rectangular, oval or triangular models. It's up to you to see what will fit best in your room. Opt for a box that is easy to clean, without hard-to-reach corners.
Do you prefer an open or closed litter box? If your cat likes privacy, choose a box with a lid.
Finally, if colour is important to you, choose a cat toilet that fits your interior design!
Where should your cat's litter tray be placed?
Cats are very clean animals, and they don't like to eat next to the place where they do their business. So don't place the cat toilet next to your cat's bowl. Choose another location that's easily accessible and quiet: cats don't like to be disturbed when they're in their toileting area. Some owners want to place the cat's litter box in the toilet or bathroom. These are quiet rooms that are easy to clean in case of a small accident next to the box. In addition, the door can be left ajar at all times to make it easier for the cat to get through.
If you have several cats, installing one litter tray per cat is preferable to avoid fights over territory and make sure each pet feels at home.
How can I reduce the smell of my cat's litter tray?
There are various solutions to reduce the foul odours emanating from the litter box. Even if you take a closed litter tray with a lid, there will always be slight urine smells in the room. To remedy this, bicarbonate is particularly effective. Not only does this natural product purify, disinfect and descale, but it also quickly absorbs all nasty odours. When you change your pet's litter box, pour a little into the bottom of the tray.
Vinegar is also very popular with cat owners for its anti-odour properties. When you have cleaned the litter tray, rub the walls with a cloth soaked in white vinegar. The odours will return much less quickly!
Finally, the litter box will smell less if you feed your cat quality food. A cat with intestinal problems will produce badly formed and very foul-smelling stools, while a perfectly healthy cat's faeces are almost odourless.