
This dog was abandoned by his family when they moved away.

This dog was abandoned by his family when they moved away.

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Family move away but deliberately leave their heartbroken dog behind

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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When Wilbur's owners moved away, they left one very important thing behind: Wilbur. 

After neighbours became concerned about the dog, they contacted Sandy Williams at the Tunica Humane Society for help.

Tear stained face

When Sandy arrived at the house, she discovered a heart-wrenching sight. The dog had clearly been left by himself for weeks, was emaciated and had tear-stained eyes. He was the picture of despair.

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Despite his initial fear and mistrust, Wilbur eventually gave in to his hunger and took food from Sandy. She then took him to the vet, where it was found he was not only starving but was also suffering from heartworms and potential trauma.

Second chance for Wilbur

After Sandy shared Wilbur's plight online, people from all over the country offered to foster him. However, luck was on Wilbur's side as a local family stepped forward to give him the love and care he desperately needed.

Initially taken in as a foster, Wilbur quickly won over the hearts of his new family and their four other dogs. 

After just a week, it became official: Wilbur had found his forever home with Rachel and her family. Wilbur can now enjoy the love and security he deserves.

Congratulations Wilbur!

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