
Tabby cat enjoying attention from owner
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Senior cat starts acting like a baby once she finds a loving family (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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It often takes the love and security of a family to bring out the best in an adopted pet, and this is exactly what happened in the case of senior tabby cat MK.

MK had spent over two years in the shelter system, patiently waiting for a family of her own. 

As a senior cat, she was often overlooked in favour of younger cats and kittens, until she found the perfect human mum who decided to give her a home. 

A baby at heart 

"Once I got her in my arms, she would not let go", explains MK's devoted new owner, who didn't think twice about offering an older cat a second chance. 

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"We immediately synced" she goes on to write, and from the videos of the two together, their bond is undeniable. 

MK's owner offered her new feline friend lots of space, letting her choose when and how she wanted to interact. This helped build trust between them. In no time at all, MK followed her everywhere, seeking cuddles and attention whenever she could. 

An ingenious invention 

The cuddly cat became her owner's shadow, joining her for every activity and following her around the house. 

Her need for attention became so intense, that MK's owner came up with an unusual solution. Using a baby wrap, she was able to secure MK to her chest, ensuring she always has the company she needs.

After a life of trauma, the beautiful connection she shares with her human just goes to show what love and care can really do. 

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